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Reiki is love, love is wholeness, wholeness is balance, balance is wellbeing, wellbeing is freedom from disease -Mikao Usui.


- Go deeper into yourself

Reiki is a deeply relaxing method and adds more life energy. The deep relaxation activates the body's own self-healing ability and each treatment works holistically. Thus, treatment is not directed to specific imbalance or symptoms.
Trouble falling asleep, brain racing, sciatica, muscle aches, mental, emotional and physical tension; the list of areas where Reiki is helpful can be extended (Swedish Reiki Association). Read more about the benefits of Reiki. In my treatments I am using Holy Fire
® Karuna Reiki®, the Reiki of compassion

Reiki treatment

Reiki is wellness! A Reiki treatment increases your mental and physical well-being. Strengthen your body and energy!


We begin with a conversation, then you lie relaxed on a bench with a blanket and clothes on, and I place my hands variably on your body and in the aura. We end with a reflection.

60 minutes 
Price: 725 SEK inc VAT

90 minutes +
Holy Fire® experience

Price: 1150 SEK inc VAT

2x 90 minutes (*valid 2 months)
Price: 1770 SEK inc VAT
(A healing experience can be used to dissolve deep-seated blockages of a wide range of issues and conditions. An appropriate experience is chosen based on what you need. Read more). 


Days in studio Saturday even week / Sunday uneven week.


Discount 10% on all treatments if on part-time / full-time sick leave or sickpension.


Payment with swish or creditcard. 

Receive Reiki in your own space. During the treatment, you lie or sit comfortably and calm music can be played. You can advantageously stay lying down for as long as you feel the Reiki is working.

30 minutes 
450 SEK inc VAT 
(no conversation).

60 minutes
Price: 690 SEK inc VAT 
(Short conversation over phone).
(If desired, a  Holy Fire® experience can be included in this treatment to dissolve deep-seated blockages. The remaining time is given to Reiki. Read more). 

Distans Reiki

Days Every day of the week. Contact me and we will find suitable day and time. 

Discount 10% on all treatments if on part-time/ or full time sick leave, or sickpension.

Payment with swish or bank transfer before treatment starts. I will notify details upon booking.

Planteringsvägen 198,  252 32 Helsingborg, Sverige

© Copyright Sanne Jakobsson 2025

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