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Holy Fire Reiki Helsingborg

Reiki is a path of spiritual growth, awakening us to the divine within -William Rand.


Holy Fire® Usui Reiki is a method that combines the Japanese Usui Reiki and Holy Fire®, two frequencies of healing light that both come from the source of unconditional love where everything is One. The essence purifies, heals, strengthens and guides us. Holy Fire® developed Usui Reiki in 2014 to offer a new frequency for our healing on Earth.

Holy Fire® Reiki is spiritual in nature as love and compassion are important parts of the practice, but Reiki is not a religion nor does it belong to any belief system.

Holy Fire® is demonstrating so many more qualities and benefits and is more refined and coming from a higher level of consciousness than any other healing energy we have experienced. (William Rand).



  • Releases stress and tension (pain)

  • Elevates the body to a total level of relaxation

  • Balances the body's energies

  • Increases and strengthens energy flow

  • Dissolves energy blockages

  • Cleanses the body of toxins and waste products

  • Increases the level of consciousness; think more clearly

  • Increases creativity

  • Releases emotions, so they come to the surface; consciousness

  • Helps the body's natural ability to self-heal

  • Positive development at all levels; physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. (“Reiki – Natural Healing through the Universal Life Energy”, By Gun Moss Bjerling. Third revised edition, 2007. Secourong Publishers. Copyright © Secourong 1995).


Reiki is approved as preventive and rehabilitative health care by the Swedish Tax Agency. This means that you, as an employee, can receive a Reiki treatment or attend a training course (for self-help) for wellness purposes, which is deductible for the employer. However, it is up to each employer to decide how the grant may be used. Even those who are on long-term sick leave have a chance to receive compensation for cost of treatment or course by the Social Insurance Agency. Whether such an application is granted varies in different parts of Sweden.

fördelar med Reiki


Initiations have become more efficient and simplified because they are now done directly by the Holy Fire® source. Thus, they are no longer done with the teacher's involvement as in, for example, the Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki branch.

Over the years Holy Fire® has been upgraded in frequency and consciousness raising. In March 2022, the 5th upgrade took place which is called Holy Fire® III World Peace. Read more about Holy Fire® via ( ICRT) .

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