No classic skin redness, too "early and mild" symptoms according to the doctor who sent me home from the health centre, sure that it was just some virus. Still, I intuitively knew in the moment I removed the tick that it was carrying infection. It took seven months to get rid of borrelia completely. Three of those months I had various symptoms. The experience of how powerful Wu Ji gong and Holy Fire® Reiki are - stays forever with me.
At the beginning of September 2023, a month after the tick bite, I payed a visit to my nutrition and kinesiologist that I have had in my life for some time and who stated that it was borrelia. It was nice to finally get the confirmation. At the same time, I was worried that it had been a while and that without antibiotics, which is the way I know others have treated their infection. For me, it all debuted with a day of severe headache and fever of 39 degrees on the 10th day after the bite. Then followed about a week with fever of 37 degrees and fatigue. However, before the symptoms came, I felt that something was burdening my energy body and I did both Wu Ji gong (a 20-minute movement dance) and Holy Fire® Reiki from day one to support my body. During the visit, the kinesiology (using muscle testing) asked the question "how many percent of the borrelia infection has my body already healed"? Answer was 40%. Although the figure should be taken with caution, it filled me with confidence in my body, as well as to Wu Ji gong and Reiki. A month and almost halfway through a clearing of the infection!
How do Wu Ji gong and Reiki transform virus and bacteria?
Virus and bacterias consist of a qi (chi) frequency that has a charge of either yin or yang. In Wu Ji gong and Reiki, on the other hand, we cultivate a higher frequency of qi that is beyond yin/yang polarization and that raises our frequencies in our energy body, including our physical body. This makes it much harder for virus and bacteria to stay within us and they begin to dissolve/transform. In Wu Ji gong, the Qi we open and build up within us from the source is called Yuan Qi wheras in Reiki for Rei (same as universal wisdom).
I felt very actively when transformation was taking place within my body. A symptom could rise to the surface and when I either practiced Wu Ji gong or opened up to Reiki, this process started immediately. After a week the symptom often left my body and I went on to heal, often with the result that I first felt much better, before another symptom appeared. On one occasion during a training weekend in Reiki, I felt how Rei flowed into my stomach area with such heat when a student practiced giving Reiki that it felt like I was bathing in lava. It was incredibly pleasant and with the result the next day that the symptom I had gone with was gone. There and then Rei burned away low vibrating (unhealthy) qi, one of the ways that transformation can happen. On another occasion I felt a rising fever and when I opened up to Reiki, the fever was lifted out out of my head together with what my body was working on cleansing at the moment. That process took 15 minutes. Often I combined Wu Ji gong while I had Reiki actively and sometimes I also drew Reiki symbols in which I stood while I made the movements. The combination I experience reinforces, but only individually are they also effective.
For me, it was a relief to be able to both relieve and accelerate the natural cleansing and healing processes of the body, which is an advantage of both Wu Ji gong and Reiki. In retrospect I realized that it made the doctors probably confused because they did not get together the symptom picture. Although I put my prediction on the table, mentioned that I did Reiki on myself and how it can ease symptoms, the doctor said that there was no risk at all that I had neither borrelia nor TBE, and was therefore not willing to take a blood test either. Similarly, the healthcare advisory on 1177 had told me when I first made that contact. Although it was to my disappointment first, I rested deeply in a confidence in both Wu Ji gong and Reiki. I remember on the way out of the health centre how clearly I saw the path that was for me to cure borrelia. In addition, that same day I had just steped out of bed without symptoms for the first time in ten days, which lasted three weeks in a row.
Holistic healing as well as setting intentions with Wu Ji gong and Reiki
With Wu Ji gong and Reiki I also worked with my fears that I mentally and emotionally experienced in waves. Being aware that negative thoughts and emotions, if they grow and consolidate, can begin to create imbalance in the life force, I embraced them in my sessions.
In both Wu Ji gong and Reiki we can give direction to the higher universal intelligence by speaking about what we want it to work with. How Yuan Qi or Rei then chooses to work (cleans, heals or guides), we need, on the other hand release all control over. The effects can be immediate.
At the end of September, I wrote in my diary the following: "I hardly think of Lyme disease anymore. It's kind of out of my mind. When a friend wrote the other day and asked me how I felt, it took a long time to make the connection in my head and it was only then that I was reminded that, oh I have that".

For the last 60 % of my healing I was supported by two herbs. Pau D'arco for the first three months and Astragalus for the last three. The herbs, as well as the number of drops, were muscularly tested on my body to optimize the healing for me.
Symptoms I underwent the following 2 months:
wandering joint pain
pressure over the lungs
heat attacks
missing menstruation
enormous fatigue
Resistance and worse in a healing crisis
From day to another I got much worse and could barely breathe, sleep and in addition to the sore throat, itching eyes and nose ran every second. I had already suffered from dust allergy three years now, but I had never felt so bad. Now no allergy pills worked which before used to create relief in the worst moments. Not even Reiki relieved. Wu Ji gong I felt a great resistance to do. I just wanted to disappear from my body. Would I have fallen back in the healing? Couldn't the body resist borrelia? My thoughts made me doubt. Wu Ji gong came again to my attention and finally did a round of 20 minutes and brought my relentlessness into the session. If this doesn't work, I don't know what I'm doing I thought and asked for a powerful strengthening effect. I did the movement dance sitting and closing my eyes while letting my energy body do the movements. The result was so effective that I both slept for several hours that night and experienced an enormous improvement in breathing as well as that my nose stopped running. I continued to do one round per day for the next two days.
Wu Ji gong gave me the same effect as my allergy pills with the difference that the symptoms now not only relieved, they also began to decrease for every day in a way that I had not previously experienced. In three days I was almost recovered from allergy symptoms and did not need any allergy tablets for the following six months.
In November I get confirmation from my kinesiology that the infection is over and that my dust allergy is cured. The days I experienced that my allergy symptoms suddenly worsened ten times more, was therefore a deep healing crisis (deep healing where often symptoms escalate before it gets better) - a threshold of a healing breakthrough. The resistance is classic to feel before a breakthrough. It is also now that it is most common to give up and sometimes stop practising, regardless of the form or method we practice. The day I experienced that the borrelia infection was finished in the body, I also remember that I went into an elevated worse state of severe headache and fever, exactly as the infection once debuted three months earlier. Afterwards I was better than in a long time and knew intuitively that now it was done. After all Borrelia infections, up to 50 residue bacteria follow, which also need to be cleansed out. These may otherwise remain in the body and cause symptoms to continue. This cleansing phase took me three months with fatigue as the main symptom. For the most part, the body is able to clear these out on its own, but I also supported it with a herb.

This infection affects everyone differently and each person has its unique process. Some are fully recovered, others are drawn with symptoms several years after the infection is gone and this despite repeated antibiotic treatments. What I want to share with this story is how powerful I experienced that Wu Ji gong and Holy Fire® Reiki are, both on their own and with herbs, to cure borrelia.
#Wu Ji gong is an over 800-year-old form designed to enter the greatest mystery and combines tai chi, feng shui, chi kung and inner alchemy. Do you want to learn Wu Ji Gong? More information will soon be on the webpage and eventually course. #Holy Fire® Reiki, read more here.
Finally, some words describing a perspective on healing
If we experience diseases and conditions, it is either as an attempt to adapt or because we lack the information that would either protect us from or prevent these health problems. Symptoms are usually messages from within, asking for help and demanding evolution. Most of our pains come from healthy reactions to unhealthy situations in our bodies in which we often find ourselves involved. /M. Winn